Monday, 20 January 2014

Yellow Wagtail - Motacilla Flava

It's been a while since updated this blog. Today being a beautiful Monday, I decided to write about a colorful bird and share a photo of it. :-)
Well, well, what did we (camera and I) get to admire? A graceful Yellow Wagtail! I happened to follow the bird's call - a high note of jeet. When I saw the bird, oh I was thrilled. I wasn't in a hurry to go anywhere or be anywhere; sat down on the ground to observe this bird. It sat on a wire, and then flew to a bush, and then flew on to the ground. The bird walked pretty with its tail wagging. The bird was scouting for insects, I guess.
What amazed me was that the bird seemed to tolerate human activities around it. People were walking and talking, kids running, and youngsters laughing. The bird went on with its business of finding something to eat. After a while, I bid goodbye to the bird, and headed home.

I enjoyed my serene moment with Mother Nature's elements today. Did you?
Yellow Wagtail

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